
Given a privacy policy clause and a description of the clause, determine if the description is correct.

Source: APP-350 Corpus

License: CC BY-NC 3.0

Size (samples): 4385

Legal reasoning type: Interpretation

Task type: Binary classification

Task description

This is a binary classification task in which the LLM is provided with a clause from a privacy policy, and a description of that clause (e.g., “The policy describes collection of the user’s HTTP cookies, flash cookies, pixel tags, or similar identifiers by a party to the contract.”). The LLM must determine if description of the clause is Correct or Incorrect.

Task construction

This task was constructed from the test split of the APP-350 dataset. Please see the original paper for more details.

Citation information

If you use this dataset, we ask that you also cite to the source of the data as well.

  title={Maps: Scaling privacy compliance analysis to a million apps},
  author={Zimmeck, Sebastian and Story, Peter and Smullen, Daniel and Ravichander, Abhilasha and Wang, Ziqi and Reidenberg, Joel R and Russell, N Cameron and Sadeh, Norman},
  journal={Proc. Priv. Enhancing Tech.},