
Answer yes/no questions on the rights and obligations created by clauses in terms of services agreements.

Source: Noam Kolt

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Size (samples): 400

Legal reasoning type: Interpretation

Task type: Yes/No question-answer

Task description

The task consists of 400 yes/no questions relating to consumer contracts (specifically, online terms of service) - and is relevant to the legal skill of contract interpretation.

Task construction

The benchmark was originally developed for a law review article published in the Berkeley Technology Law Journal. See pages 94-102 of the article for additional information regarding the construction of the dataset.

Citation information

If you use this dataset, we ask that you also cite to the original law review article.

  title={Predicting consumer contracts},
  author={Kolt, Noam},
  journal={Berkeley Tech. LJ},