
Classify whether a sentence from a judicial opinion overrules a previous case.

Source: CaseHOLD

License: CC By 4.0

Task summary: Classify whether a sentence overrules a previous case.

Size (samples): 2400

Legal reasoning type: Rhetorical-analysis

Task type: Binary classification

Task description

This task consists of classifying whether or not a particular sentence of case law overturns the decision of a previous case.

Dataset construction

This dataset consists of sentences derived from US caselaw and manually annotated as to whether they overrule a previous case. See the original CaseHOLD paper for more information.

Citation information

If you use this dataset, we ask that you also cite to the source of the data as well.

  title={When does pretraining help? assessing self-supervised learning for law and the casehold dataset of 53,000+ legal holdings},
  author={Zheng, Lucia and Guha, Neel and Anderson, Brandon R and Henderson, Peter and Ho, Daniel E},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the eighteenth international conference on artificial intelligence and law},